Egg Harbor Township School District is proud to offer T.A.L.O.N.S., Talent and Learning of Next-Gen Students as its out-of-school time enrichment program. T.A.L.O.N.S. is committed to supporting working families as we “embrace, engage and educate” students in grades Pre-K through 5th by offering structured Homework Help and academic enrichment activities that include Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, and Math as well as Character Education lessons and Organized Recreation to name a few.
Below you will find answers to frequently asked questions. Please feel free to contact us with additional questions at the contact information below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Extended Enrichment?
A: Extended Enrichment offers a broad range of activities that provide children with academic enrichment and/or supervised activities beyond the traditional school day.
Q: Who can participate in TALONS?
A: Students registered in the Egg Harbor Township School District for grades Pre-k (fully potty trained) through 5th grade are allowed to participate.
Q: Does Pre-K have to be fully potty trained in order to attend TALONS?
A: Yes. TALONS is a school aged program which operates in the cafeterias at each school. Our before and afterschool program is not equipped to change diapers or Pull- Ups in a cafeteria space.
Q: Where can I find information about the extended enrichment program at my child’s school?
A: Program information can be found at eht.k12.nj.us under the District Services heading and T.A.L.O.N.S. tab.
Q: What types of activities are provided at the extended enrichment program?
A: Extended enrichment offers homework help and academic enrichment in the areas of Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art and Math as well as Character Education lessons and organized recreation. All activities are hands-on and inquiry based. We like to say “we are sneaking in the learning”.
Q: Where is TALONS located?
A: TALONS will be located at the following schools: Davenport Elementary, Slaybaugh Elementary, Slaybaugh Primary and Miller. We will occupy the cafeterias for the duration of the program and will utilize the gyms and outside space for recreation as much as possible.
Q: What are the TALONS operating hours?
A: According to the District calendar, TALONS will operate from 6:30am until 6:00pm Monday through Friday.
Q: Who are the staff of the extended enrichment program?
A: Egg Harbor Township School District takes pride in hiring caring and nurturing program staff who include certified teachers, district paraprofessionals, Out of School Time professionals and community members.
Q: What is the discipline policy?
A: TALONS will follow all school rules and policies as stated in the Student Handbook. Students with excessive disciplinary incidences could be expelled from the program.
Q: How are students grouped during the extended enrichment program?
A: As a licensed child care center, we are committed to the safety and well-being of our students. Students are grouped by age and grade.
Q: Staff to Student Ratios?
A: We are committed to providing safe and structured fun. Student to staff ratios are 15:1.
Q: What does my child need daily?
A: Below is a list of items your child will need daily:
Refillable water bottle
Snacks - If desired
*Please avoid items with peanuts or tree nuts.
Personal needed school supplies (eg. pencils, markers, ruler, erasers, etc.)
Q: How do I register my child for the TALONS program?
A: First, follow the registration link located on the district website and complete the google form. The Enrichment office staff will create your families’ account in ProCare. Next, you will receive an email from us with detailed instructions for logging into MyProcare.com. Please note that TALONS fills up quickly and typically has a very long waiting list.
Q: What are the cost and fees?
A: There is a one-time per academic school year non-refundable registration fee of $25 per student. AM session are $7, PM sessions are $10, and abbreviated days are $15. Full Day rates are $55 for the first student, and $45 for each additional sibling or family member of the same household.
Q: How do I create a schedule for my child?
A: Follow the detailed instructions in the “Welcome” email sent to you by the Office of Extended Enrichment. After completing the Google Form registering your child a welcome email will be sent by our staff. Should you not receive an email please check your spam folder or contact us at [email protected]. Please note TALONS staff will not do the actual scheduling for you.
Q: Can I “add on” to my child’s weekly schedule?
A: Unfortunately, schedule changes within the same week are not permitted. Once billing occurs on Wednesdays, schedule changes for the upcoming week are not permitted. Please contact us with any specific questions.
Q: When are payments due?
A: This year, we will process billing on a weekly basis only. Billing will occur on Wednesday mornings. All families will receive an email stating so. Automatic debit or credit card payments will be processed on Friday evenings for the upcoming week. Declined payments are subject to schedule cancellation.
Q: How do I make timely payments?
A: New starting July 1, 2023, a mandatory credit card or debit card must be on file for automatic payment processing. Families have the option to prepay into their Procare account, if desired. Cash is not accepted.
Q: Who do I contact to apply for the New Jersey Child Care Subsidy Program?
A: https://www.childcarenj.gov/Parents/SubsidyProgram
Q: What activities will my child be participating in while at TALONS?
A: The TALONS daily schedule will include time for indoor and outdoor play, homework help, snacks, as well as Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, and Math enrichment as well as recreation and games.
Q: Who do I contact if my child shows signs of illness?
A: Please email us at [email protected]. Keep in mind, students with a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting may not return to TALONS until after they are 24 hours fever, diarrhea and vomit free. Any communicable diseases will require a doctor's not to return.
**For further information, please contact:
Office of Extended School Enrichment
609-646-8441 ext.1021
5 Swift Drive
Swift Elementary School
Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234
[email protected]